Need help paying College?
Most students find the process of submitting applications for MASFA overwhelming. Last semester, only 5 out of 500 applicants were able to complete the process. We understand the difficulties that come with filling out the application and getting updates for your future planning. That is why we are here to provide assistance. Our office hours are open for students who need help with the process.

Worshops for Educators
We have a dedicated team answering any questions regarding the Tuition Equity Law for undocumented students, to access state higher education benefits through the Massachusetts Application for State Financial Aid (MASFA). We hold training sessions across Massachusetts for educators, counselors, and students who want to learn more about implementing in-state tuition for all students. Sign up if you are interested in having a workshop or presentation on MASFA at your school.
Attend our Office Hours every Tuesdays and Thursdays
We are pleased to inform students that we have introduced office hours to provide assistance with your MASFA application. Our team is dedicated to guiding you through the process and addressing any queries you may have. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity and visit us during the designated hours.
Meeting via Zoom available to schedule on:
Tuesdays 6 pm - 8 pm
Thursdays 6 pm - 8 pm
Or contact us to request another Time
Information on Tuition Equity from your College
Not seeing your college? Find more here: https://www.mass.edu/tuitionequity/home.asp
Register for our Office Hours Sessions!
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
​What do I do if the schedule of the office hours doesn't align with me?
On the meeting form, you can ask for a time that would work for you and we will try our best to meet with you.
Does it matter if I am a non-citizen student?
MASFA is a financial aid from the state exclusive for non-citizen students in the U.S.
Do I have to pay to attend the meetings?
Our services are totally free for students, and we will not ask for any payment or card information.
Who qualifies for MASFA?
Students meet a three-year attendance (or if you have > 2 years it is valid as well)
Social Security, or Taxpayer ID number
If they don't have a Social Security, or Taxpayer ID number they can complete an Affidavit affirming that the student will apply for citizenship if and when the student becomes eligible to do so under federal law.
All males (citizen or non-citizen) age 18-25 are required to register for the federal Selective Service
How does the flexibility of the three-year attendance requirement work?
The student’s three years of high school attendance at a Massachusetts high school (public or private) do not need to be consecutive and may have occurred at any time. As such, a student-applicant who, for example, enrolled late (e.g., during sophomore year of high school) and graduates, or alternatively who is enrolled for three years but drops out early (e.g., during junior or senior years) but ultimately obtains a high school diploma equivalent, would be encouraged to proceed with an application.
How can students determine whether to fill out the MASFA or FAFSA?
Students only need to fill out one financial aid form: either the FAFSA or the MASFA. If a student is undocumented, they usually can't submit the FAFSA and should fill out the MASFA instead.
The Tuition Equity Law allows high school graduates to qualify for state financial aid, as long as they meet certain requirements.
Still have questions? Contact Us: